Its hard to believe that Spring is almost here, and it only means that now is the time to think about taking a romantic getaway to North Myrtle Beach. Staying with us at Prince Resort will allow you and your loved one to get away from life back home and relax together. Lets look below at a few of the things that you and your loved one can do while you stay with us at the resort.
Room Enhancements

One of the things that you and your loved one can enjoy ischoosing a few room enhancements that we offer to our guests. Some of theromantic enhancements that you can enjoy or surprise your loved one with arechampagne & chocolates, Rose Petal Turndown Service and even a Wine &Fruit Basket. There are several more options that you will be able to choose from,but these are just a few to share. Spending a few days away from the kids andwith the one you love can make life a little more fun together.
Honeymoon Package
Have you and your loved one just got married or are gettingmarried this spring? If the answer is yes, then we need to tell you all aboutthe Honeymoon Package that we offer our guests now. Not only will you have a beautifulcondo that is fully equipped with a full-sized kitchen, living room and bedroombut you will also be close to the pier. Spend an evening on the pier watchingthe sunset or go watch the sunset on the beach. With this package you will alsoreceive a bottle of Champagne & bath set, turn-down service complete withrose petals and mints plus you will receive breakfast each morning. There areso many things that are included with this package that you will want to bookit even if its a second honeymoon! Treat your loved one with this special package.
Alone Time

Another great reason to take a romantic getaway to NorthMyrtle Beach this spring is to spend some time alone without the kids. Weunderstand that life at home can be hectic with running errands, work and thekids, but taking a trip alone is just what you need. If you feel like you justneed to get away for a few days, then staying with us at Prince Resort is theperfect getaway you need.
There are so many other reasons as of why you should take a romantic getaway this spring, but these are the few we wanted to share with you. If you havent booked your next special vacation to Prince Resort, now is the time. We cant wait to see you and your loved one as you take some time for just you!